Friday, December 01, 2006

Fun with Color

I always forget how much you can do with photoshop, I have used it for years, but not for anything interesting, I really would like to learn more. I played with the program tonight and came up with this photo that I made black and white except for Peyton's clothing. Kinda cool!
Touch of ColorTouch of Color Hosted on Zooomr

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Cold Day at the Beach

Peyton at the Beach, originally uploaded by bigdsims.

The 3 of us decided to go to the beach at Seaside since for once it wasn't raining. It was nice but very cold. We are going to have to start calling Peyton the treasure hunter because she finds every possible piece of shell and has to keep them all.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Japanese Princess

Peyton's First Pics, originally uploaded by bigdsims.

Peyton is stylin' in her kimono that Jeremy & Kerri sent from Japan. She loves being a princess, and you can't get much more regal looking than that can you? She definitely loves it, thanks guys.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Playin' Ball

Peyton's First Pics, originally uploaded by bigdsims.

Peyton playing with her Strawberry Shortcake beach ball in the yard.

So Focused!

Peyton's First Pics, originally uploaded by bigdsims.

So focused watching the tube, she barely had time to give Dad a smile.

Peyton's 1st Dance Class

Peyton's First Pics, originally uploaded by bigdsims.

Peyton started her dance class on Thursday Sept. 7th. She had so much fun. Rachelle said she was the teachers' pet, always by her side starting at the teacher in awe. When it was time to leave Peyton didn't want to leave, Rachelle had to tell her that they were coming back next week so that she didn't start crying.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Gearhart Park

Peyton and I spent the day together and decided to go to the Gearhart Elementary School Playground. She has informed me, "Gearhart Park is my favorite park!" I asked if she liked it more than the Astoria Park, and she gave me a resounding, "oh yes!"

Peyton's First Pics 4493 (Large)

Monday, August 14, 2006

Astoria Regatta Parade

Saturday we went to the Astoria Regatta Parade. She had fun, but it was too long, and there were to much advertising. Log trucks are not parade floats.

iPod Movies

She really loves my new iPod. I loaded it up with about 10-15 of her favorite movies. Works great for trips.

Her Favorite Park

The Astoria Park is quite nice, and it is by far her favorite.

Pink Tutu

Peyton in her designer tutu hand made by Rachelle. She is definately the littlest ballerina with the biggest tutu. Did I mention she likes pink.

Peyton Plays Pac-Man

Downloaded Pac-Man for my Xbox 360, and discovered Peyton loves it. "Daddy, I want to play the yellow game!"

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Peyton's First Bike

Peyton's first bike, "Little Dreamer" complete with matching pink accessories. Teaching a 3 year old to ride a bike is much more difficult than I thought. But I hear practice makes perfect.

Fort Stevens

Gary, Sylvia, Nicole, Logan, & Trinity came down and stayed at Fort Stevens State Park. We went to see then and made balloon animals.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Beatin' The Summer Heat

Well it was hot as you all know last week, not like Portland triple digit hot but it was 85-90 here. So Peyton decided we should turn on the sprinklers and run through them. Then she thought it would be a good idea if I swung her through the spriklers by her arms. Then I decided to hang her by her feet in front of the sprinklers. She had a blast, "Do it again Daddy!!! Do It Again!!!"

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Not So Wild Kingdom

Click on the hungry hungry Hippopotamus for some pictures of the animals we saw at the Oregon Zoo Tuesday. I think this one was on a diet, he was chasing down celery sticks. Peyton couldn't understand why the elephant "pooped and went pee" on the floor. We went with the, "He's (trust me, it was definately a "he") not potty trained like you Peyton" line. But it didn't work, because she talked about it the rest of the day.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My First Trip to the Zoo

Mom & Dad took me to the Oregon Zoo Today! I had so much fun checking out all the animals. It was a very long day, but definately worth it.

You can click on the individual slides as they scroll by, or you can see the entire slide show on Flickr by clicking the top photo.

Monday, July 17, 2006

I Wear My Sunglasses...

Gotta Wear Shades
Originally uploaded by bigdsims.
Some would say I'm a bit of a diva. I say, "I'm all about the shades!"

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Trip To The Beach

We decided with the weather as nice as it was that we would take a trip to the beach. Peyton got to chase seagulls and pelicans. She got to hold her first jellyfish, actually a piece of one. And she got to hold various amphipods. Peyton was probably more occupied with finding broken sand dollars than anything else, but we had a great time.

Happy Birthday USA!

Here are a few pictures for the 4th of July. It turned out to be a great day. I was supposed to work all day, but my boss went crazy and sent me home at 2pm. So we spent the day together as a family and Peyton got to see her first fireworks show at Seaside.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

A Trip for Two

Peyton and I took our first ever weekend away together this last weekend. We went to my cousins' graduation in Shelton, Washington. We had a fantastic time, and Peyton has a new best friend, my 5 year old cousin Trinity. Jessica and Nicole graduated in a class of like 250. The graduation was so large, they had to hold it 45 minutes away in Olympia. Still seems like Nikki and Jessie are 12 years old to me. Damn I am old.

Best Friends

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Monkeys On The Bed

She is just like me when it comes to losing focus, instantaneously. We also both have the attention span of a gnat.

Belly Laugh!

There is nothing better than a belly laugh from a child. I wish I could laugh like that.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

New Pictures

Put up 6 new pics from earlier this evening, Mother's Day. Oh and by the way, she thinks she's a frog here.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Peyton & Nine Inch Nails

For those of you who did not know, Peyton loves NIN. She was introduced to NIN early on, and it has since become her favorite band. Any time we go anywhere in my truck the first words out of her mouth, before I can even get the truck started are, "Daddy, can we listen to Nine Inc Nails?" NIN's latest single, "Every Day Is Exactly The Same" is her current favorite track. That's my girl!

Monday, May 08, 2006


Put up a couple pictures from today, and a video of Peyton singing her ABCs this morning.

Video Killed the Radio Star

One more movie, also from February of '04, so she was just a year old. Seems like a long time ago. I must be getting old.

Peyton Pictures

Here are a few pictures. I am playing around with Flickr, not sure if I like it yet. More pictures after the jump.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

One Small Step...

Found this one today. Man she was a firecracker even then.

This Is My Site

Here I am World!